
Last updated: 22-08-2018

Autobedrijf Vander Stichele nv respects the privacy of all users on its website ( The personal information you provide to us is always treated in confidence.

Our company is located at

Meensesteenweg 376
8800 Roeselare

Our company number or VAT number is BE 418.007.840

Your personal data, our responsibility

On this website, we collect personal data. This data is managed by our company. It includes items such as:

  • your name, address, e-mail address and other data, when filling in forms on our website
  • any information relating to the pages you have consulted on our site
  • your domain name (IP address) when you visit our web pages 
  • all information required to adequately perform our services and keep you informed of their status

This information is used to:

  • improve the content of our website and our services
  • contact you later to keep you informed about trends and offers in our sector
  • contact you in connection with (ongoing) projects and services in progress with us
  • manage customers and orders

Use of cookies

On this site, we use functional cookies. These cookies ensure that specific preferences are kept on your computer. If you then visit the website later, this data is read in again. This includes, for instance, your choice of language and which pages you have visited in the past. This data is interpreted by us to optimise the quality of the website and our services.

You can choose to disable these cookies. You do so by using your browser's options. You can find more information about these options on the website of your browser provider.

Third-party cookies

Parts of external websites are sometimes referred to. These websites may also track other cookies. We recommend that you check the privacy policies of these websites separately.


Alle gegevens die door ons bewaard worden, staan in een beveiligde omgeving. We doen er alles aan om de meest gangbare standaarden binnen de IT-sector te hanteren om deze gegevens en de overdracht ervan te beveiligen.

De persoonsgegevens verwerkt voor klantenbeheer zullen worden bewaard gedurende de termijn die noodzakelijk is om aan de wettelijke vereisten te voldoen (onder andere op het gebied van boekhouding).

Gegevens naar derden

Wij delen uw gegevens niet met derden. Wij delen uw adresgegevens uitsluitend met partners die de gegevens verwerken in functie van onze diensten. Onze werknemers en door ons ingeschakelde partners zijn verplicht om de vertrouwelijkheid van uw gegevens te respecteren.

Data breach

We make every effort to secure your data, but if the privacy of your personal data should nevertheless be compromised by a data breach, you will be notified immediately. We then make every effort to counter this leak in the future through a preventive approach.

How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?

You can always request the data we hold about you. Also, if you wish to comment on our privacy policy, you can contact us through the following channels:

  • by e-mail:
  • by phone: +32 (0)51 77 76 70
  • by post: Meensesteenweg 376, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium

You always have the right to be "forgotten". You can contact us about this via the details above.


Upon request, we offer visitors the opportunity to correct any incorrect data we maintain about them. If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us on the channels mentioned above.

If you find that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact us using the details above.

When we update our privacy policy, we will update the date of 'last updated' at the top of this policy. For major updates, we may also do so through other channels, such as e-mail.